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작성자 다정한이웃 작성일23-11-05 01:50 조회109회 댓글0건


Gangwon Land's (CEO Lee Sam-geol) professional soccer team
"High1 Winners" participated in the PBA Team League tournament for the first time at
KINTEX PBA Stadium in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province on the 3rd.
"High1 Winners" faced "Crown Haitai" for the first time and played a showdown at 11
p.m. on the 3rd. This team league is meaningful because it is a debut
stage where seven "High1 Winners" players show teamwork to billiard fans.
This season's PBA team league will be held on a points-based basis from the
first round to the fifth round, and five of the nine teams will advance to the
postseason to determine the final winner in January next year.
Gangwon Land signed sponsorship contracts with Lee Choong-bok, Lim Sung-kyun,
Nguyen Weke An Chien, Nguyen Phuong Lin (Vietnam), Rupee Chenet (Turkier),
Lee Mi-rae and Yong Hyun-ji players at its headquarters in Jeongseon, Gangwon-do, and founded
the professional baseball team "High1 Winners." The "High1 Winners" players have been working
hard to win the postseason. In particular, in the individual competition held in July, "High1 Winners"
players stood out in the league and performed well. Rupee Chenet won second place in the PBA (third)
regular tour of the men's 2023-2024 season, and Yong Hyun-ji won second place in the women's (second)
regular tour, which ended on the 9th of last month.
Kangwon Land plans to host the PBA-LPBA tour this year following last year and
use it as a marketing event, given that the players continue to perform well and there is a billiard boom at home and abroad.
CEO Lee said, "The advertising effect is excellent, with corporate brands being broadcast live through
advertising boards and player uniform emblems in the stadium under the sponsorship of
High1 Winners. We will actively support players to achieve good results,
while actively promoting Gangwon Land and High1 Resort by attracting competitions." Yuju County
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